I decided from an early age that I wanted to be a writer. I also decided I wanted enough money for food and shelter. So I knew that I would need to do something more pragmatic for work.
I tried my hand as a high school Spanish teacher (and Drama Club advisor), before I left for philosophical reasons. I spent years after that in democratic education until I discovered a love for computer code. It combined two of my favorite things: logic and creativity.
Along the way, I've been a host of things: Sudbury school staff, a Montessori teacher, an odd jobber, a youth theater teaching assistant, a Census worker, a Renaissance Faire gaming booth attendant, a line dance instructor, a coding tutor, and a ballroom dance instructor. A varied life, as befitting a writer.
Now here I am, making my living as a web app developer. But that doesn't mean I can't still write on my own time...